Roots, Rasclaats and Rainsticks

Part One: Insights into a bananas shamanic calling to Jamaica as a white womban born and raised in Hertfordshire, England

Obeah had started to call me. 

Obe-who? Yeh, exactly. I didn't even know what this word was before it started to ring in my ears. And so, despite being an ancient soul currently in the process of unlocking hidden wisdom in my being, there was only one way to go to find an answer. Google.

For that matter, I didn't even really know what a shaman was defined as either. And I say defined as, because in the modern wellness space it seems that everyone calls themselves a shaman these days - anyone who carries a rainstick, does ecstatic dance or leads a circle is suddenly a medicine woman or man. 

But I'm absolutely not here to judge others, let everyone be who they want to be, just as long as it’s done for true soul purpose and not an Instagram photo, or surface level bullshit attention. I’d just prefer to define myself as different, because this is something that I do know - I do things differently. I think we learn this once we’re sick of doing things the same way we always have, usually for others and not ourselves.

With that said, I began reading a little more about shamanism and Obeah to educate myself. A few articles and pieces that cropped up after new words, numbers or names popped to mind, with random headings like Situating Agricultural Shamanism and Shamanism, Eroticism and Death.

After browsing what I needed, I slowly overstood why I’d been called to specifically dance under the moon, connect with the Earth and herbalism, as a form of healing from 2020 (dark night of the soul - first initiation), all the while becoming aware of deeper knowledge that was resurfacing in my being at that moment in time. 

During this period of brief research, I recall thinking what the fuck most of the time, as I’d certainly not heard of any of this stuff before, but we trust in Spirit nowadays, so me ah flow. I first discovered that one definition of a shaman is ‘a religious or mystical expert (male or female) who, in traditional Indigenous societies, functions as a healer, prophet and custodian of cultural tradition’ (source: Canada Encyclopedia). 

And ‘although shamans' repertoires vary from one culture to the next, they are typically thought to have the ability to heal the sick, to communicate with the otherworld, and often to escort the souls of the dead to that otherworld. The term shamanism comes from the Manchu-Tungus word šaman’ (source: Britannica online).

What’s more, ‘shamanic practitioners call on helping spirits in those other realities to heal people here by restoring their spiritual power. That power comes from a "whole" soul and the protection of compassionate spirits and power animals, which create a spiritual force field around us’ (source: 

And lastly, how ‘shamanism underlays all the other spiritual traditions on the planet’ (Mircea Eliade).

I also found a couple of pieces about Obeah (Obayi), a folklore practice that had originally travelled over from The Gold Coast, West Africa (Asante Nation, namely Ghana), with the enslaved people from around the 17th Century. I began to see how Jamaica had received this practice on a societal level, the ‘creolization’ of this healing tradition, how it was misused (many people were arrested for practicing Obeah), and how it also liberated and supported those in need of a deeper faith and connection to Spirit whilst they endured the horrific hardships during that cruel period of our collective history.

Obeah is power. It is a belief. An African tradition. A human tradition. Obeah is Egyptian. Obeah is Ashanti. Obeah is Hebrew. Obeah is Jamaican. Many statements can describe Obeah but all will only touch upon small facets. They are the reflective faces of a diamond. We see only what is shown back if we gaze into one face - Ebenezer Morgan White’ (source: ecda - Kelly Hawes). 

So after reading this, I instantly knew why I was hearing this word over and over again.

Having visited Ghana a couple of times, and acknowledging a strong internal connection to this land and culture (perhaps I’ll write about my love of the incredible Akua'ba and Adinkra another time), a new thread of consciousness started to unravel as familiar in my mind. Plus Queen Nanny, the leader of the Jamaican Maroons, said to have been born in Ghana - who guided many enslaved people from the plantations on the island to freedom in the foothills of the Blue Mountains, and created small settlements to live as sovereign communities, also Obeah womban - had already started to visit me for quite a while, at least since early 2022 when my twin flame journey was underway (second initiation). You may know her face from the Jamaican dollar note.

But Nanny’s visits were much more pronounced once I began visiting the island from September 2022, a time where I focused on total energetic alignment after an interesting two years of choosing to stay grounded in the UK (some may say erratic and painful, although it was actually the best two years I’d had in a long time, as I was healing outside of the matrix mentality) and working intentionally with psilocybin - syncing ceremonies with certain dates and messages I was told, when asked to sit deeper with Spirit.

With this in mind, as academic and researcher Joan Halifax writes, ‘this work with shamans and medicine people was personally motivated by the need to heal myself of the suffering that inevitably arises when one enters the darkness of the Underworld of the psyche… [and] I knew from my earlier anthropological work in the field and in the library that the journey of chaos that the shaman takes often leads to unusual states of psychological, physical, and spiritual strength’.

So, it was time to get to serious werk, I thought. But without getting too far ahead of myself, despite judgments probably already made by those reading this without positive intention and bias - with me being a white womban travelling over from Barnet, connecting with an African ancestor called Queen Nanny in the Caribbean (for those who know me, you know what’s up) - I’ll just swing back a bit and work in chronological order. 

Although, I now overstand that time is non-linear and we can hop through portals and dimensions at any moment, and so chronological order will only satisfy the remnants of my OCD brain in the physical realm, because there is no linear. Sidenote - my entrenched physiological ailments pretty much vanished once my inner wounding was identified, worked on and healed. I’m not going around claiming that ‘my anxiety’ is doing this or that, because I fully believe words are spells and self-fulfilling prophecies, so being mindful of what we say outloud and to ourselves is imperative right now. It’s better to say ‘I’m experiencing xyz’ instead of ‘my [insert ailment]’. It is not mine, nor do I want it, so we change it over time, intentionally (you can even check online how some people suffering from asthma have linked this ailment to childhood wounding, or trauma, and readdressed it). Thoughts become things.

To set some context, as a young girl, I was always very connected to nature anyway, being raised by my lovely mamma and pops in the green suburbs of London. I recall playing with frogs, newts and tadpoles in the pond, dog walking with my family, collecting dead insects to look at under a microscope, mucking about with my younger brother in the garden, befriending a little donkey and horse that lived down the road (pretending they were mine, I’d visit often, feed them carrots and groom them), learnt about flowers with my aunty, and made small trinkets for my sweet nanny and her cute friends from little shells, treasures and feathers that I’d found around the way. 

With this said, it feels very natural and comforting for me to be barefoot and alone in nature, when needed. I guess some of this childhood innocence, joy and simple pleasures got washed out of me (in certain ways) as I grew up, got ‘educated’ and hit the city life. Although, I’ve still always pranced about a bit, especially on the dancefloor, and enjoyed having much fun with friends over the years. Sidenote: all children possess such incredible gifts, psychic sensitivities and depth that it could confuse caregivers and those around them into believing that they’re bad, or peculiar, children (due to the system people live in, no blame here, it’s all part of the programming) because they recount things they’re connecting with in the Spiritual realm. And instead of innocent observers and witnesses to natural phenomena, they’re labelled as having ‘imaginary’ friends, bipolar, ADHD (diet and inflammation in the body have a big part to play here and the destruction of the gut microbiome, hugely connected to our brain), and caregivers decide that this behaviour must be reprimanded, corrected or punished. Still, and I think it’s powerful to note, that ‘the Dagara people believe that every individual comes into this life with a special destiny’, as Malidoma Patrice Some’ wrote, so these children are just more in touch with Spirit than their caregivers are.

These days though, as someone who reads energy, I see things a whole new way and they’re never simply black and white, that’s for sure. I’ve honestly learnt a lot since I began working with oracle cards back in 2020. Firstly, for myself whilst healing, and later, as my collection, intuitive sagesse and channelling grew (I work with about 5-6 decks now), I began offering this as part of the intuitive coaching activator sessions that I do with coaching clients who are open to it.

Over time, one of my decks kept showing me the Shamanic Journey card, and I knew at some point this would mean me dipping out for a bit, but I didn't pay too much attention at first, as I was starting my small business and we all know how that can occupy our mind, time and finances. But, when the messages became overwhelming - daily whispers from Spirit of where I needed to be, and it wasn’t Barnet - I made a choice to leave my comfort zone and everything I knew to venture out on an explorative period of solitude, elemental connection and discovery of self in the tropics. And, of course, to psilocybin and ganja - Jamaica being a country that allows the legal consumption of these natural organisms and plants. Because, why wouldn’t they? Decriminalize nature already, pahlease. 

I had actually tasted a little of this shamanic freedom when I first left the UK in Summer 2022 and hopped back to Portugal, near Sintra (Cynthia, to those who know) for a few days during the twin flame episode, spending an intense solo week by the woods, healing and energetically recalibrating with my singing bowls (Queen Hara, namely), observing incredible trees and an abundant fern queendom for as far as the eye could see. It was here that I met another elemental guardian, a gatekeeper of the sea, who’d saved many lives and recounted incredible personal stories of his connection to Spirit, when deep under water saving people who were drowning offshore. I’m very grateful to this kind soul.

In addition to that, just before I began to travel again, I was also introduced to the concept of an End of Life Doula from someone, and trained to become one. Shortly after studying, I had the transformative opportunity to support a friend at his home after the passing of his dear mother, thus, my connection to Spirit and the other side continued to grow, as I received signs and heard a variety of messages on a daily - I’m clairaudient.

When I initially decided to travel to Jamaica, I’d planned a month of rest, integration, observation, manifestation and immersion in the purest of nature - a time to take it Nice n Easy, as Susan Cadogan sings. Realising that I’m a hypersensitive (some may say neurodivergent, or empath) over recent years, meant that I now wanted to put myself in an environment where I could experience slowing down, roots, higher vibrations and natural living - having had my whole character and existence as I knew it burn to the ground with all the information I’d come to remember. And I’ve found manifestation works best when the soul is Cool and Calm (Israel Vibration), positive and aligned with our highest self, otherwise we tend to manifest from ego-led needs, over heart-led desires - basically unconsciously creating from a blocked heart chakra.

Exercising our spiritual muscle is essential for our personal growth, and for me, the work that I do and take pride in. The energy I put out into the world right now (no, I’m not better than anyone, I’m just conscious of the energy I share) is important and needed. It can have a strange effect on people too, though, I’ve learnt - highly triggering and a bit like Marmite (love it), but I guess that’s authenticity for you. 

Nonetheless, I’ve been told that I’m here to help anchor supreme, unconditional love (boundaries too, including blocking and swerving people I don’t want near) and divine feminine energy in support of the Healing of the Nation(s) (Jacob Miller) and to help mamma G - Gaia. Oh, and to connect with the Arawaks (this is all very new to me in this lifetime), which began very ‘randomly’ one day in May. 

My first time here was the start of deep healing and adventure, yet equally challenging too. It was an introduction to beautiful new produce, exotic fruits, mystic sunsets, fern wisdom, cleansing waters, true Rastafari culture and values (Rasta Nuh Gangsta - Samory I), local market life, generosity, farm observations, simplicity, kindness, learning about the nine nights and sharing my singing bowl frequencies with whomever they called to. I also met a few other very sensitive souls from around the world who’d claimed Jamaica as their home as well. 

Still, Jamaica yuh nah easy. It did also introduce me, however, to a couple of total rasclaats, users and trickster energy (including women), who came with lots of lessons that I can only be grateful for, as it certainly started to help me to differentiate between genuine and fake intention in a new culture. I definitely experienced the ‘hypocrites and vipers around,’ as Warrior King chants in Can’t Get Me Down, which is a shame when your own intention is only to be friendly - I generally have an excitable, sprightly nature, unless I’m overwhelmed or pissed off, but some people just don’t believe it - share stories and life experience in a new place. But me nah gon’ cry ‘bout it, well actually, I probably did a little bit, haha. Alas, this all served as serious activations whilst travelling.

As many people may know, the 77th Meridian line runs through the island, and so it’s an activation portal and truly healing place. At first, I didn’t know what I was doing, or why I was going, in a logical sense, but I followed my intuition as much as possible, while also recovering from everything associated with the twin flame journey, which ripped my heart out from my chest completely unexpectedly. I knew what my soul needed, and I needed to experience the interconnectedness of life in Jamaica, which began showing itself to me in a variety of ways. 

One sign I received early on, was that a very special animal guide started to visit me when I first arrived. It would appear on the grass down at the watering hole I swam in, would follow me home, sit on the wall down the road from me and watch up at my balcony, and everywhere I went, this animal became a symbol of alignment. And I continue to see them today, when Spirit is communicating a specific message or confirmation to me. It does feel very special and words can never do justice to the connection between humans and animals - I prefer them to people these days.

But on returning back to England, after a deliciously high vibrational month, I was unexpectedly catapulted into darkness. The energy was so different for me, toxic perhaps, that I hit a very low vibration, didn’t touch food for a good while and hermitted mostly in my womban cave for about two weeks, deep in meditation and writing, trying to make sense of what I was feeling - which I later put two and two together and found it was probably the start of when spellwork and curses were being sent my way.

It was about this time in the UK, in between my first and second visit to Jamrock, that I had a strange encounter with the ultimate narcissist rasclaat (toxic connection from a past life) who proceeded to tell me that I was ‘emotionally weak’ because he saw me crying (unasked, by the way, but we know audacity is at an all time high right now), that he knew my shaman name, and that I was a very powerful soul and he’d started to do rituals (he said ceremonies) on me, under the guise of this being for my benefit. Still, gratitude that he shared this with me, as it later spurred me into a whole new era of my life - warrior mode fully activated. Lilith energy ‘a bubblin’. 

Oh, and I forget to mention, that he also bragged to me that he was a former high priest of a coven of witches in the UK, who worked with a cauldron and moon magic, so I knew he had years of experience in this field of work, it’s just a shame that whoever he practiced with didn’t ever realise it was for his own personal, egotistical gain. 

But, what this claat didn’t realise, is who I’m connected to in the ether, nor the level of healing and spiritual work I’d dedicated myself to, as an alchemist transforming and transmuting intrusive energies and emotional trauma for a good few years - not always getting it right, mind you, but I do try my best, for myself and as the collective energies shift too.

In his obscure obsession with me and my path, he’d actually created a distorted view of me without truly seeing who I am, but where someone does not know a genuine soul, pure heart, been deeply conditioned or wounded (inner child trauma), needs to strategise and manipulate in life to feel satisfied because they’re bored at their own existence, addicted to stress hormones (creating stories and problems that aren’t there), nor ever experienced true, unconditional love - as Cornell Campbell sings ‘no-one knows what true love really is’ in Give Your Love to Me - of course their view of reality and others is skewed and unhealthy.

At that point, I didn’t (and generally don’t) share a lot of what I now know, because I stay private, humble and just plod on. Apparently, this led certain people into believing I was weak, vulnerable and stupid, so they took advantage of my genuine nature, when I skip about like a fairy sometimes (my boundaries have been strengthened now), and so I’ve been forced to bring the Voice like Thunder (The Viceroys) through the ether to balance things out. Thank you to all who’ve underestimated me, for this has been the fuel to my fire, and this flame is eternal.

But anyway, when I confronted him about his trickery and told him to keep my name out of his mouth and dirty ‘ceremonies’, he told me that I had a ‘big mouth’, which is no doubt quite a common response from emotional abusers, manipulators and narcissists to keep those who they prey on from speaking out about the abuse they’re undergoing. Because, in my case, this was severe spiritual abuse. And yes, this is an actual thing - a highly traumatic experience just like any other form of abuse. I also know he sexually violated me in the astral realm, but I overstand that it will take the world a little time to catch up on this being a believable offence. Still, I certainly don’t need anyone to overstand, nor validate what I’m saying, to know what I’ve been through. Some say ‘the harder the challenge, the higher the calling’, but who bloody knows. At this point, I just want a decent kip, haha.

Oh, and another thing I later found out, is that he’d actually had to have an injection in his eye during the period in which he was performing rituals on me with his minions, which is what happens when you send the evil eye to protected souls. I don’t wish harm on others at all, but karma is karma and the eye will always get returned to sender if people are unaware of who they’re dealing with.

I’m sure he’ll be happy to now know (because of course he is reading this), that I was originally called into a real ceremony pre-Halloween 2022, which I didn’t envisage would be highly protective and insightful because, as I said, I didn't know that spellwork was being done to prevent me from my calling (particularly on/from 31 October), and it was then that I was shown new information, which helped me to carve out my path in silence. That being said, people do still confuse privacy and secrecy, I‘ve come to learn, so now I keep my mouth shut about whatever I’m working on until it’s done - best lesson in life, people! And, among many messages I’d received in ceremony, I was told to go back to Jamaica in January and to also book a flight to Jamaica on 21 March 2023, not overstanding exactly why at that point. 

So, swiftly moving onto my second visit to Jamrock in January - again, not a holiday, but following messages for deeper spiritual work - I guess I’d say it was more of a private immersion into my manifestations, a little bit of work, a touch of socialising and personal expansion. I got to fulljoy the returning Rebel Salute concert in St.Ann, which was a much needed energy boost and just brilliant to witness, including the various ganja stalls and interesting discussions that were organised as well. I didn’t talk much to anyone about what I was up to while there, which served as great protection for me, in light of what was to unravel between February and March once I’d returned to England again.

During this trip, alongside many beautiful moments of peace and joy in nature with a few kind souls, I also met up with someone who, at first, I didn’t realise was a sorry stalker rasclaat, purely intent on taking from me. Another toxic past life connection, I realise, Spirit’s got me fucking working out here y’all - still I accept that I’m not presented with run-of-the-mill encounters these days! But, I do actually have a strong feeling that this sorry claat knows someone I knew back in the UK, and that we’d previously connected on a video call one time (more secrets, lies and fraternities, no doubt), but I was high on herb at the time, so can’t fully recall - it happens, people, it happens! There is strangely a blurry memory there though.

In this scenario, I do take accountability for certain things, but I’m also aware that I wasn’t in the purest of energy at the time, whilst the shadow meddlers were at play. And sorry stalker rasclaat also potentially (I’m pretty certain) used love spells, sex and/or moon magic to drain energy from my honey pot and draw me closer. We womben harness an abundance of creative energy from our sacral - an area of my body that the ultimate narcissist rasclaat was also using to pull from too. I see you, boo, although it did take me some time, I give you that. In fact, I give you a 7.5/10 for effort as well - you can collect your ribbon at the gates of hell. 

But, as the confusing spellwork initially done by the ultimate narcissist rasclaat and crew slowly lifted for a while, perhaps because I was further away geographically, the illusion of what sorry stalker rasclaat had created quickly became apparent. Alongside spiteful, unnecessary words and childish behaviour when we had a slight disagreement (probably wasn’t even that deep, can’t remember, because that’s how much I let it bother me - nothing will disturb my peace right now), out of the blue, he actually told me that he was ‘so fucked up and broke’ and expected me to be the solution to this. So, after only connecting with him for only a short while, I’m not sure how he thought I’d respond to this, but perhaps he thought I’d walk willingly into calamity, maybe in my past, bruv, but those days are gone. He clearly didn’t think it best to take accountability of his life and deal with the shit he’d co-created, rather than blame everyone around him. Peace Begins Within, as Nora Dean put it. 

On this second visit, I was also called into ceremony in Mobay - where my altar candle smashed to pieces and my evil eye protection bracelet dropped off my arm (in my experience working with mushrooms can break curses and entity attachments - more on this later) - and when I’d processed what I needed, I realised that the math just ain’t mathin’. He was only interested in money and what I could do for him, his status and his work in the long run.

I had to take it upon myself to stress to sorry stalker rasclaat that the reason I came to Jamaica was to learn about a whole new lifestyle (without forgetting that ‘calling’ thing) the Natural Way (Augustus Pablo), not to find a man (we’ll see whatever unravels though, no set plan), especially not one who portrayed himself as needing saving, after I’d just spent three good years digging deep to sort my own self out, lawd ah’ mercy - I’m not out here taking any Short Cut (Winston Hussey). So, I put him on block pretty quickly after that, and headed somewhere else on the island in private to focus on what I came here to do - hermit, grow and experience natural living as much as possible. 

Just to be clear, I don’t make a habit of going around telling others all of my business, nor making names up for people, but I also don’t like liars, being targeted, nor people who intentionally deceive me, especially if there is a ‘prize’ to be won. I wish you all peace and healing, but please don’t think you can come near me again, or that I’m going to welcome this type of behaviour, nor stay silent about it. This is not the love and light brigade, fam, this is authentic, holistic, living in revelation times, not life on Instagram. The truth will always out - the age of light is here, if you didn’t already know.

Some of these tests have, no doubt, been sent to me by secret elitist (some male-only) societies, energy readers and/or covens, who I do know have been observing me for a while. They clearly didn’t get the memo that it’s now the time of the Divine Feminine to rise up in full graceful, creative (loud, if needed) and powerful force - maybe I should run a workshop on that for them soon…could be fruitful.

Again, to be crystal clear, this isn’t about having an inflated ego and making stuff up to get attention, I just know what I know, even if it’s simply from seeing who’s followed me steadily over time on social media. I’m a silent observer too, guys, jokes on you. Thanks for thinking I’m a naive, likkle roots fairy - especially those who employ my services and intentionally avoid paying me for the work executed. I trust in my path, Spirit’s got me.

What’s more, people assume I’m rich, because it appears I have the midas and I’m sharing (some) of my moves as an action of awareness, and because this is my calling. What these users don’t factor in, though, is that I’ve also worked in operations and logistics for over 14 years and travelled a bunch, so I’m on my budget game, especially now that there’s a Divine mission underway. I’m not a frivolous spender, nor will anything stop me from listening to what Spirit says. 

Oh, and one last point on sorry stalker rasclaat, is that he stole something (energetic) from me that was intended for a special soul that I’d gotten to know - one of few who I genuinely feel hasn’t tried to intentionally take from me from the get-go, a Kingly Character (Garnett Silk) - so there will be an effect to that cause too, sarry not sarry. And this isn’t to pass judgement on men in general, or men in Jamaica, as I know many skilled, solid and kind brothers living consciously today, embodying their divine masculine. In fact, I even met a special spiritual bodyguard here. This was just a couple of people that I’ve encountered along the way, as I now know the effect my light can have on some unhealed energies - that’s why I tend to keep to myself and stay home a lot of the time these days. 

And before you pass judgement on me (if not already, haha) and say we create our own reality and that I brought this on myself, please do come back to me when you’ve been happily, silently working hard, carving out a new life for yourself, minding your business (yes, I share selectively online, which I guess is the cause to this effect), then had curses sent your way, witchcraft done on you by multiple people simultaneously, survived with a sane mind (some may question this…cool beans), and you’ve then very clearly seen the veil lift a few months later, in another part of the globe…we’ll chat, yeh?!

As the stars aligned when I was born (I know my birth chart), this is my Destiny (Queen Omega) - one that I discovered in the shadows, alone, which is why it’s so important for people to stop avoiding pain and start spending conscious time alone, getting to know our shadow side, letting go of shame and embracing our individual fullness and depth - and anyone who tries to play with that, or push me off my path, disturb my peace, disrupt my soul, or bring anything negative towards me, or the ones that I love, more fool them. Not only did I pull my own self out of mental slavery (so no-one has the power to take this from me in any way, shape, or form, ever), but these ignorants are not the only one’s watching things play out - they do not know who looks after me, as I’ve said - well, they might after reading this little piece. But, seriously though, it does still make me scratch my head as to why some individuals can't genuinely be happy for others who have direction, focus and are intentional with their lives. Why can’t we all win, people? There’s certainly more than enough to go around.

Of course, I’d prefer not to share most of this - I’m an ambivert, there is a big introvert in me, as well as an extrovert - but I don’t have a choice really. That would result in another universal slap (I had a triple whammy slap at the end of 2019, which was the catalyst to all of this personal transformation), and also illness if I were to keep all of it inside of me, as a deeply sensitive soul. And what’s also been confirmed to me is that I’m a storyteller here to share select experiences with the people, so that we can all rise in our healed greatness together - my healing is your healing, your healing is my healing, Pass The Dutchie (Musical Youth) n’ all that. So, as you know, we listen to Spirit for alignment and protection these days.

During the period between my second and third visit, just before I finally left the UK in March, the ultimate narcissist rasclaat’s spellwork and intentions towards me took a turn for darker depths, and I was flung into disarray, dodging physical life obstacles and consistent spiritual attacks (third initiation), as this master manipulator tried to get one up on me, by attempting to stop my trip to Jamaica, slow me down, impact my life, decisions, finances, bank accounts and mental health. He worked in the dream state, sending sleep paralysis entities and a whole lot more my way. What a fucking violation of my resting, sleeping being, for real (the Old Gods are aware - more on that later). 

Yet still, I knew I was aligned with my soul and what she was yearning for me to do, to be, to live, to learn and to love, so I proceeded to take action in the ways available to me, and with the support of some truly incredible people in my life. Soul family - I will never, ever forget how you came through for me! And with these beautiful souls in mind, the pieces of my life and those I’ve met over the years, from all different cultures and countries, slowly began to make more sense to me. 

These wonderful, loving, unique souls - who I’ve been sending out a call to when drumming over the past three years - are so much more spiritually inclined, non-judging and open to the subjects I’m discussing here (or have also experienced the realm of magic themselves, both light and dark) that I realise, this was how my life was meant to take shape. These are my people - the curious, the open-minded, the unique, the mystics, the quirky, the cosmic dancers, the eccentric, the creatives and the lovers. We all need to feel seen and heard by true kindred spirits and like-souls who resonate at the same frequency. I give thanks and protection for you all.

But, determined as I am (Taurus Sun, Scorpio Rising, Wood Ox), I thought, third time lucky Jamaica, here we go. Spirit and I were now working in a much smoother and psychic flow, and thank fuck for that, as I’m not sure my physical, spiritual or emotional body could take much more to be honest - I’m only likkle!

What spurred me on, however, was that I kept seeing the number 3, 33 or 333 - soul alignment and purpose. Trugoy the Dove of De La Soul, who sadly passed in February this year, also came through to me very strongly in one of my ceremonies, and all I could hear was 3 is The Magic Number, which was a personal fave back in the day. 333 was e v e r y w h e r e - well, that and 144, but that’s for another time, maybe, although I do believe I’m a big link in connecting many of us, as I have insight that London and NYC are two of the top cities where many of the global 144 have passed through, and over the years I believe I’ve had the fortune to meet (especially circa 2012), watch or work with some of the top creative and unique visionaries currently supporting the collective healing on the global stage - in telephone numbers, clocks, memes, pictures and on the air conditioning unit of a government office. It also indicates a season, or a cycle too. 

So, upon successfully returning to the island in March - yes, I felt like I’d achieved the mission impossible and blubbed my heart out on the plane here - I’d actually booked to stay with another shaman when I first arrived, as I needed to do things differently in order to process what had just occured, and make sense of things intentionally. This truly was an emotionally safe and holistic space, and provided the initial container for me to expand gently into this latest adventure - I am very grateful to this peaceful and respectful soul for his wisdom, purity and kindness. There are not many genuine folk around, so please do fulljoy honest characters when you can, it’s a rarity.

And, why it was also a blessing to be in Jamaica at this time (with needing to be out of London pronto) was that there would be a significant paradigm shift when we stepped into Spring Equinox on 21 March 2023, for those who follow what’s going on in the planets. My soul strangely knew what would be coming into the ether. She knew that I had to, needed to, be grounded in the best environment to receive what was coming through for me, and my first step into this ‘new world’ was on Jamaican soil. Perhaps this is why she is so deeply in my heart right now, but I’ve always loved roots reggae and Jamaican food, so it’s not actually all that surprising. But in truth, I didn’t ever intend to come here. For me, it was the Motherland or nowt, but we’ll see how things unravel over time - change is the only constant.

This said, my soul knew that I needed to be with spiritual soldiers. I needed to be in the sun, deep in the elements, cleansing in the beautiful waters of Treasure Beach and connecting with this special community of unique souls. I’ve now said what I needed to say to the sirens, skilled up with the farmers in Saint Elizabeth (dear Senti, the breadbasket of JA), heard some of their local knowledge, learnt from their connection to the land, seen the sensitivities as the weather changes, and of course, been immersed in elder wisdom. I’ve fallen in love with the red soil, the solar energy, the green lusciousness of flora all around, and the natural mystic in the air. 

She makes you remember things, she does. Makes you feel things you've never felt before. She truly is a portal to greatness within, if we observe with innocence and curiosity. And let’s not even begin to talk about my fairy and the fern queendom here - the channelling is unreal. But I do know that once JA calls, from others I speak with, is that she grips us, us lovers and eternal dreamers. But, I’ve learnt that to be a lover, you have to be a fighter as well, because with love as the ultimate light (and I’ve got oodles), it will surely attract the polar opposite (the law of polarity) - I just never knew how, or when, this would present itself. This is natural law, and we don't go against this law. Nothing exists without this balance, as we will all see. 

For me, this season has been a ripe, abundant, bountiful and fruitful time to witness, not to mention naseberry, and then mango season, oh my days! It instantly helped me to get back on the good foot, for real, eating consciously and hearing what I needed to, in order to reconnect with my physical body and get out of my mind. The solar flares in March were so intense (Ra, and also the connection to Thoth) that I truly believe had I not been here - with lots of green space to receive, harness and express this new energy - that it could have pushed me into another timeline, and a darker one at that. But we don’t focus on things that we don't want in our life, so that's enough on that.

I do apprecilove that I’ve been in a unique position to make the changes I so desired over time. I’m single, my children are yet to arrive, and I’ve got no baggage, well, a human amount of course - unless someone considers my spirituality to be baggage, haha. But, where there’s a will there’s a way and we all have unique options available to us from which we can move towards our goals every day, if we truly believe and act on them. There is abundance available for all - believing is seeing and not the other way around, as I’ve said before.

Whilst here, I’ve rested, recovered, integrated, loved, hurt, made mistakes, let go, cried (you know this by now), supported a little bit on a beautiful farm, found things to forage, made special connections (human and animal), skipped about with new teas and herbs in my trusty Thermos, gained knowledge about the Earth, talked to the trees, worked with my singing bowls, drum and rainstick, and came to discover many families bury their deceased loved ones in their garden here too. The connection to the ancestors is beautiful and powerful to witness.

And Spirit talks to me in ways I’ve not experienced before. Even from the first visit until now, I’d pass a building and say ‘wow, I love that building’, and the person I was with would say ‘oh, that’s the town funeral parlour’. Or, we’d drive through a nine nights in the middle of the day, hearing my fave Toots & The Maytals track Take Me Home (makes me emotional every time), at a time when particular messages were coming through. We also unexpectedly passed the amazing May-Pen cemetary in Kingston, where people create all different types of caskets and decorations for their ancestors, like funky little houses, cars and big flowers. It’s a lot like that man in Accra, Ghana, Ernest Anang Kwei, who makes incredible fantasy handmade coffins of all different shapes, sizes, animals and creative ideas, celebrating those who pass on with colour, flavour and realness.

One other reason for being here, is that I was looking forward to spending my earthstrong (38 = 11) in new lands too. Now knowing that we’re all under divine instruction from birth, for me, I’ve only been consciously connecting with this mission since 2020 - carefully listening and acting upon information received. This is the only reason I am where I am today, and have been able to do what I have (however one may interpret this), is because I actively listened - many of us don’t actually know how to listen, we just hear what we want to hear through unhealed ears and a combative saga of misunderstandings ensue.

All in all, it’s been a truly magical challenge and level up. I’ve met a few very special, gifted and psychic souls here, and I am truly honoured and humbled by what I hear and see every single day. They say ‘sit with warriors the conversation is different’, well, my gosh, I’ve been enriched beyond words and previous lived experiences that’s for sure.

Having also, strangely, experienced a rather harrowing near death experience (NDE) on the road out of Kingston recently, my connection to Spirit right now is at an all time high. And what I said to my elder friends who were with me at the time - all three of us being uniquely skilled characters in this game of life (1337) in our own way, so much so that one of them actually said to me that ‘death avoid we’ on that day, which sent shivers down my spine - was that ‘had that day been my last on earth [which is not what I’ve been shown], I would have been so at peace having spent the last three months of my life in Jamaica, living naturally and intentionally, following my heart’s desire. Had I not done this, I believe my soul would have been among the restless’. So, I give thanks for life, to the Creator and for the protection all around me - it is something I strongly believe in and will never, ever take for granted. I send Love and Mercy (Samory I) to all pure souls, and deep healing to those desperately in need of it.

It’s time to come correct now. I do forgive these sorry souls, but I’ll never forget what I’ve had to navigate over the past six to eight months at the hands of wounded people, when I’m actually not doing anything to anyone other than trying to help in the ways available to me - Trouble Nobody (Echo Minott).

Today, I’m currently embracing a slower life, making the decisions I need to make as they arrive at my door daily, and I’m living in harmony with the elements, animals, insects and my soul family. Three big, orange ants (Franky, Slosh and Tosh) have also taken up residence with me, inna di kitchen - it’s probably that lush local honey I have here, I can’t blame ‘em really. 

I’m also now an unexpected pup auntie to four little beauties, and saved one pup’s life after he almost choked. I also sat with another pup, Kombat, who went into battle (unknowingly) in the chicken pen, and sadly died later. This helped me learn more about my End of Life Doula work, as I sat with him until he passed with his fellow pup family, listening to 174hz frequency as a natural anesthetic that can relieve physical pain.

It’s only now upon reflection, and a few months down the line, that I fully realise the extent of the heavy spiritual attack I was under - rituals having me act out of my shadow side in certain scenarios and not my true aligned, clear-headed, healed self that I’d worked so hard to attain - basically from around October 2022 until May/June 2023, when I felt a clear significant shift here. I truly give thanks to my protectors and Queen Nanny. I am deeply at peace now, and as Bob Marley sang it, I’m finally Coming In From The Cold.

This episode was an unforeseen, but not insurmountable challenge (sorry, guys and gals!), once I tapped into a fighter spirit that lay dormant in me, guided by certain deity and activated by shitty behaviour on the part of controlling, unhealed people sending lower world entities towards me, designed to evoke fear and prevent me from my true soul purpose and path. In the words of Morgan Heritagethey are not going to get away with the wrongs they continue to display.

What I also never imagined, was that stalking would present itself as a theme in my life, that was until I began the Instagram journey. It’s all very wierd to me, but Spirit has my back. Thankfully I’m looked after, not only by my loving ancestors, but by my spiritual team, probably about 25 entities I can identify on a regular basis. I do not share details of every entity I connect with, as they ask to be kept private, but there are a few who don’t mind. 

Queen Nanny, I’ve mentioned; the fairy when I channel through movement sometimes; when the roots is on, one might notice my Rasta guide Fred pop through, if I’m skanking hard or pulling faces, it’s usually a bit of him too; Quan Yin (Guanyin) started to come through about two years ago, via the pink dragon; and Reggie Kray, wierdly, also began to come through during the period before I left the UK. I mean I never really knew much about the Krays, so it’s not like this stuff can just pop into my head. Prior to researching, I didn’t know much about him, nor did I watch the recent movies made about him and his brother. Why this has happened, I’m not too sure, but he is a very fierce protector of mine, strangely. 

Actually, I do have a theory that as Reggie, I discovered, died on the same day of the month that my sweet nanny was born (one of my biggest guardians in the skies) that there may be some connection with souls born on the same day in this physical realm - but I’ve not thought too much more into this, yet. I did also spend alot of time in Hoxton for many years, so he may have connected to me back then. Is this strange? Yes. Perturbing to some, maybe. But it is what it is and I know what I know. There is darkness in us all, the trick is to not be ashamed of it, but to observe why and how it consumes the mind, forgive ourselves, and slowly disentangle what we need to, in order to reawaken a healthier, more conscious and self-aware approach to life.

With that said, for those who’ve fought against me in the shadows, their karma will depend on the Divine and whatever was wished upon me - karmic justice will always play out. Time to stop resisting the lessons, dissolve the ego a bit, listen, and act accordingly and with some integrity. It’s a real shame that some people (warlocks, witches, magicians, priests, priestesses, occultists, cult leaders, freemasons and a few others - I know who you are and I’m not going to work for, or with you, so please, kindly fuck off) still think that this kind of behaviour is acceptable. Some of these high priests can’t actually do shit alone, it’s the female coven that they work with that they need - the female intuition and innate power, the sacral wisdom carried down through the lineages of Goddesses, Daughters of Isis, shamans, witches, fairies and others around the globe. 

What’s sad, as I’ve mentioned, is that at the root of this behaviour, is simply a lack of love. Because this is not work undertaken by healed, wholesome and loving people - they are simply children acting out their trauma in an adult body, driven by hatred, bitterness and envy. The absence of unconditional love in childhood, a shoulder to cry on, a good hug, or someone looking into your eyes and truly saying I love you no matter what (after fucking up, or having a meltdown from sensory overwhelm as a sensitive) has led to the current socio-political landscape of unhealed folks ‘(mis)leading’ us - we the people - and making decisions for us on our behalf. And that just doesn’t sit right with me, thanks very much. It’s 2023, we don’t do victimhood (nor chips on shoulders…might do fish n’ chips though), we acknowledge our areas of healing and get to work over time, perhaps with the help of wellness professionals if needed - accessible, inclusive and affordable.

Now, in Jamaica, far away from these evil people, although probably not devoid of haters here either, Spirit often speaks to me through the Old Gods. And when the Old Gods are present, you know what time it is - clean up time. Zeus has also been present on multiple occasions, with messages of encouragement and stunning displays of lightning, after periods where I needed total reassurance on a few things. I remember sitting on the veranda overlooking the bay, watching Zeus proudly display his gifts, while being told to listen to Atomic by Blondie (anyone who knows me, knows I don't listen to Blondie), and hearing a few other things that indicated I need not worry - everything will work out in the highest good of all. 

This year, and beyond, will be a great revelation to many, as the veil lifts and those lurking in the darkness are revealed for who they really are - especially if I have anything to do with it. I am not naming names, or launching cyber bullying campaigns, no, but what needs to be done will be done by the powers that be. Again, just to be crystal, I don’t condone violence or wish ill-will on anyone, I allow Spirit to observe and handle situations. I don’t have the energy or desire to take anyone down, nor do spellwork on people. I have a life to fulljoy, so please don’t think that I’d waste my time doing rituals on someone. Karma will decide the fates of (wo)men these days. Love is the only vibration I work with. Only Love Can Conquer (Prince Alla).

So, if you didn’t think this stuff was real, think again, my friends. Blood magic, black magic, voodoo, jar magic, graveyard magic, death magic, conflict magic, love magic and sex magic is present today. People with control issues who do not allow the natural flow of life and karma to play out. They are not healthy co-creators with the Universe, nor do they have faith in Spirit, love, or their own path. But, we know that manipulation will never bear true fruits.

Another thing that I read somewhere as well (take it or leave it), is that if we ever have suicidal thoughts, this is how darker entities, hungry spirits and succubus entities can latch onto us and start a spiral downwards in our energetic field. And as someone who’s experienced this in my life, I think it’s important to share. How are we able to protect ourselves and grow spiritually, if we keep everything hidden and secret in our communities? This is an integral part of spiritual wellness, health and survival. We are spiritual beings, and because not many of us fully innerstand this concept, we live a life disconnected to nature and everything around us, purely focusing on physical realm satisfaction. This will change, though - it’ll have to. As the brilliant Malidoma Patrice Some’ wrote ‘a culture that is in touch with its spiritual connection, is a culture that is poised to evolve’.

What others also believe, is that narcissism, greed and jealousy, for example, are entity attachments, and not the true nature of a person. This is why daily high vibrational foods and a conscious lifestyle can support our spiritual wellness - what we consume on all levels is key for our self mastery, longevity and safety over each lifetime. I now overstand why Ital is so important in Jamaica. I’m not Ital at the moment, but my body has definitely started to reject more foods since we had that NDE, and I’m being called to check my diet more carefully.

The darker forces need all of this stuff to stay in the shadows, but I’ve incarnated on the Earth as a speaker of truth, so I'm doing my bit to expose unjust behaviour, corruption and malpractice when it finds its way onto my path. I don't go seeking this, nor intend to save the world, but I’ve been told to say their name and lift them from anonymity and the shadow realms - like the seven princes of hell, these dark entities act on behalf of each of the seven deadly sins, i.e. Asmodeus (lust), Mammon (greed) and so on, which you can read about if you’re called to. 

Many may not believe these words, think it’s creative fiction or that I’m chatting shit, but I’m OK with that. I am that I am (Peter Tosh). I share because I’m asked to, and usually, after processing what I need in my head, this writing thing follows as a cathartic release. And, I do actually know other souls around the world moving through their own version of what I’ve experienced, so I believe it’s important that we share our personal accounts in our own way, so as not to feel alone when presented with the mysteries of the Universe. I know what details I need to share, and I know what details I need to keep private. 

If we try to refuse the path of the Divine when it’s presented, get ready for an ass-whooping. The more we know these days, the better. This is my way of raising awareness, so that we are more equipped to deal with what’s to come. This is not fear mongering, as much greatness will unravel too - it’s all about maintaining balance between light and dark. No-one could actually imagine the situations I’ve been presented with along this path. Well, I’m sure many other mystics and shamans can, of course, and farmers for that matter, I’ve heard some serious personal stories out here too (rolling calf)!

Finally, after all of this though, I Know Myself (Ernst Wilson). I know who I am, my gifts and capabilities. And yes, my weaknesses. Now, as an intuitive with growing psychic sensitivities, I observe behaviour and my little girl (inner child) is able to read emotional wounding. Knowing what I do now, I’m able to make room for others and hold space for those willing to tread deeper on their path - be this through ceremonial work, sound baths or simply having a chat or cuppa together on a park bench. And this is why I speak to whoever gets called in my direction on the street, or at the supermarket, because I am a messenger, and sometimes these visitors are also messengers for me too.

My intention is to embody the fullest, most loving, tender and fierce lioness energy available to me - a friend, a protector of the innocent, the sensitives, of children and love. A fighter of dreams. An activator. A disruptor. A light warrior. An Earth angel. A bridge between realms. An illuminator gathering like-soul warriors from all around the world - For The People, By The People (Dezarie). Because these are the times we live in now, it’s necessary to go deep to survive. 

I am also grateful for the warmth and love I received growing up, and all the genuine moments of love I’ve shared with people over this lifetime, all around the world. This is what also saved me during this period of psychic attack, my belief in love, - unconditional love, something I am learning and leaning into every single day now, however rough or painful at times. I’ve never had an agenda, because I’ve never needed one Love Is Not A Gamble (The Techniques).

I never wanted to say it, nor admit it, because modern times have made it sound so cringe to me (plus I don’t like labels), but I am a healer. A wounded one, perhaps, Chiron styley. A wounded shaman who doesn’t use dark magic or associate with certain misunderstood and misused spellwork, because I see the power in the Gods - we don’t need to play around with things not all of us fully comprehend. As I shared with you all before, love is the vibration I support with.

I never knew why I never felt like I fitted in anywhere, but I’m not from here - this has been confirmed to me time and time over. Thankfully I enjoy my own company and accept this path as a shaman healer - I’ve been A Lonely Soldier (Ambelique) for a good, long while now, and it’s all part of my story. I mean, I do have friends who, back in the day, told me they were shaman and talked of dragons and eagle spirit animals and I was always like ‘OK cool,’ thinking that maybe one day I'd see the same, but I didn't really innerstand it at all until now. I didn’t ever judge anyone for telling me the strange and wonderful signs they receive on Earth, because that’s not my place.

Today, there are a few energies that use me as a channel, as I’ve mentioned, and whether this is kept between I and them, or I’m instructed to write, record, or video it, changes depending on the message. Plus, my hands (shoulders and arms too) have actually strengthened and got so many veins showing now that I’m starting to see how Wolverine felt and looked - except I don’t have the blades, just a loving touch to share with others…a kind Act of Affection (Wailing Souls), if you will.

I don’t believe it’s because of the heavy hand-washing I’m doing, or kale (chlorophyll) and natural foods I’m now eating more of (I’ve had some local naughties too, cough cough, potato pudding, cough), but it’s also because I'm channelling through my hands with this fairy dance business too, so my muscles are changing shape. Sidenote: the change in my physical appearance was not an intentional ‘get fit’ routine by the way, I’ve been slowly led here since 2020, learning to embody authentic, holistic living. My blueprint will be unique, as is everyone else’s, so as I healed with singing bowl frequencies, diet, meditation, herb and mushrooms, I lost weight. I believe present, childhood, ancestral and generational trauma (curses too) can accumulate in the body, in muscle memory, and until we tap into the depths of our being and heal, this can present itself (in some of us) as extra weight on the physical body. Why I believe this, is because I’ve gone through such a profound transformation on all levels, that I’ve been assured this is what has happened in my situation. Also, something has come through recently that this may also be connected to spellwork and the draining of life force/energies from witchcraft, so take what you will from that - this links to entity attachments with those who experience anorexia and other mental health issues too, which I’ll look into over time.

In short, I am connected. This is my spiritual remembrance and the memories are flooding back. I’ve always been called to ancient cultures and places around the world, from mystical Istanbul to magical Italy (Rome, and the Colosseo, have an interesting effect on me), from breathtaking Namibia to powerful Olympia, especially when it comes to food and music. Sound and frequency are all part of this huge shift, especially at this pivotal moment in history as we enter the Age of Aquarius.

At this point, you might be thinking what the fuck did I just read, well, what can I say…try living it, haha. Many people don’t subscribe to belief systems, or prefer religion and different faiths. We all have to work with whatever comes through to us, individually, from our soul. And that’s all I’m doing, sharing what I genuinely feel, hear and experience right now, and also maintaining detachment to it all. Attached to nothing, connected to everything.

Perhaps I’m an eccentric English fairy to some, a bitch to others, a truthsayer to those with eyes to see, or a sensitive, peaceful womban (when undisturbed by tomfoolery) to the people who I actively share my love and life with. Some say we can’t actually change the world, we can only work on ourselves and contribute in the ways we are able to, without force or control. But faith and knowing are very powerful tools in attaining our dreams, so we all have to act intentionally on what we feel is true and aligned with our highest good.

And, as I finished this piece and sat outside looking out onto the horizon, I felt the gathering of a few souls and heard ‘you’re one brave foot soldier’, and so, I accept this as my mission, however odd it seems to some. Even to me at times, haha. Whatever the weather, I’m here for it all - fully aware of the rasclaats, which I guess comes with the territory - to work with intention, hold space, observe, support, love, fight and listen actively. For total authenticity. And for no-one else’s validation but my own. 

This is also a special shout out to the true Emperors and Empresses rising from the ashes like never before. This is our time and we’re gonna make it an unbelievable story that will be told by the fireside for eons to come - youths and elders reunited in community for a healthier, happier and more sustainable way of living around the world.

Thank you Spirit, Jamaica, new connections, my genuine supporters and protectors, my guides and ancestors for this new, special cycle of real life. 

I Am Back, in the words of Echo Minott, and I am bloody ready.

‘Just let the truth manifest itself, ‘cause all man was made out of love, 
forever be to your brothers true, ‘cause respect is overdue.’

 Johnny Osbourne, Jah Promise - a song that has some of the purest, truest lyrics ever.

This piece, around 10K words, came together after a creative firefly moment swiftly followed the brilliant energy at Calabash Literary Festival 2023 in Treasure Beach, Jamaica. It was exactly what I needed and I give thanks - especially hearing Linton Kwesi Johnson, who is a big inspiration for me, even more so with his aptly titled new piece of work Time Come.

Right, now I’m off to Burn One Down (Ben Harper).

*Notes for Spiritual Self Protection*
A few tips that have helped me soothe my soul along this journey. There will be many not listed here, but this is what I’ve worked with personally, and I’m still alive and in tact! Still, we need to be able to be drawn to things intuitively, so this is good practice to listen to what your soul needs:

  1. Ether: Create an altar in your house, start connecting with your ancestors (specify loving ancestors, as not all of our ancestors act in our best interest), putting flowers on the altar and asking what you need for your highest good and sharing gratitude for those who Pave The Way (Mikey Dread) before us.

  2. Water: Intentional, cleansing showering/bathing daily (or in the sea) washing away negative energy and coming back to our own pure hearts.

  3. Earth: Grounding barefoot on the grass, or earth, to realign internal frequencies from overstimulation through the television, microwaves, EMF’s and wifi frequencies everywhere.

  4. Earth/Water: Nettle, chamomile, peppermint.

  5. Earth: Listening to soothing sound frequencies whilst at home or asleep. Message me separately for specific tracks if needed.

  6. Air/Fire/Ether: Smudging with whichever tool is local to you/calls you - I was using a homemade pine needle smudge stick. I’m currently finishing off my palo santo and anything that isn’t really too local to where I am, because we don’t always know how these tools reach us (ethically/sustainably) - same with crystals to be honest. We can just try to be mindful wherever possible and find our personal flow with spiritual paraphernalia - I’ve certainly got my own personal favourites that’s for sure.

  7. Earth/Water: Lavendar or rose essential oils.

  8. Air/Ether: Singing bowl frequencies for protection and daily cleansing.

  9. Elementals: Drumming to connect with the ancestors.

  10. Earth: Valerian or Neem leaves to hang in home.

  11. Earth: Selenite wand.

  12. Earth: Salt protection around altar and at entrance of house.

  13. Earth/Ether: Gridding house/bedroom with crystals. I had help from the spider kingdom (don’t ask).

  14. Earth: Black tourmaline, labradorite or a variety of other crystals that you get drawn to.

  15. Affirmation: No weapons, hexes or curses sent my way shall ever prosper. I am a divine being protected at all times and I live in truth, love, and liberty - repeat as needed.

  16. Common sense: I emphaise this point as something newly learned, but please do not accept gifts, food, herb or other things from everyone that comes your way. We do not know people’s intentions, and it can really make a huge difference in our lives. Please think carefully about what you accept and don’t accept.

  17. Ether: A few other tracks from my playlist for this most recent initiation: Nirvana - Come As You Are, Radiohead - The Reckoner
    Depeche Mode - Never Let Me Down Again, Sons of Kemet - To Never Forget Source, Juls - Nanny Riddim


-Interesting piece written by Joan Halifax on ‘The Shaman’s Initiation’, which helped me a great deal in starting to process and better innerstand what was happening in and around me over the past few years.

N.B. I am not a herbal medical practitioner, please seek your own guidance if needed. This piece is for spiritual education purposes, with a sprinkle of love, and if you do have any questions, it would be my pleasure to answer them if I am able -


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